Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) 2023
SSDB is an initiative by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to encourage preschools to create authentic platforms for children to innovate, problem-solve and tap on their unique strengths to help others.
SSDB E - Certificates
Thank you for contributing and giving back to the community through the Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) 2023 project!
This year all certificates will be digitalised, including the blank certificates for the children. We have attached the certificates in the email and it has been sent out to all participating schools.
Drop us an email at ideas@preschoolmarket.com if you didn't receive your e-certificate or download the blank certificate for your children here.

This year's theme is - Many Helping Hands, Caring for Everyone!
Check out the recordings and slides below to find out more!
Room 1
Caring for our Family & Friends
Dads for Life
Families for Life
Singapore Art Museum
Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
Room 2
Caring for our Community
Down Syndrome Association
NCSS Comchest and Agency for Integrated Care
Red Cross
Singapore Kindness Movement
Caring for Nature and Environment I
Gardens By The Bay
National Parks Board
Singapore Food Agency
Singapore Discovery Centre
Caring for Nature and Environment II
Mandai Wildlife Group
Preschool Market
Resorts World Sentosa, S.E.A Aquarium
SSDB Banner order

You can also opt to purchase the SSDB Centre Banner,
fill up the form at https://tinyurl.com/ssdb-banner
Each banner is at $58/
including GST and delivery.

Contact us at ssdb@preschoolmarket.com

Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) 2022
SSDB is an initiative by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to encourage preschools to create authentic platforms for children to innovate, problem-solve and tap on their unique strengths to help others.
This year's theme is - Our Family, Our Community!
Check out the recordings and slides below to find out more!
Room 1
Caring for our friends and family
Centre for Fathering
Singapore Art Museum
Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
Sentosa Development Corporation
Singapore Kindness Movement
Room 2
Caring for our Community
Down Syndrome Association
NCSS Community Chest & Agency for Integrated Care
Singapore Red Cross
Caring for Nature and Environment I
Gardens By The Bay
National Environmental Agency
National Parks Board
Singapore Food Agency
Singapore Discovery Centre
Caring for Nature and Environment II
Mandai Wildlife Reserves
Preschool Market
Resorts World Sentosa, S.E.A Aquarium

Thank you for your participation in SSDB 2021
As a token of appreciation, participating centres and children will be receiving a special 2021 SSDB closing package!
Here is a list of what you should expect in the package:
Activity Worksheets from Sentosa
Cafe vouchers from Gardens by the Bay
Folders from Singapore Art Museum
Rulers from Singapore Kindness Movement
Cutlery set from NCSS
Sharity Stickers from Comm Chest
Stickers from Singapore Food Agency
Posters from Singapore Discovery Centre
Highlighters and Postcards from MCCY

Note for the participating centres:
Please distribute items in PURPLE to the participating children
You can share items in GREEN within the centre
SSDB E - Certificates
Thank you for contributing and giving back to the community through the Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) 2021 project!
This year all certificates will be digitalised, including the blank certificates for the children. We have attached the certificates in the email and it has been sent out to all participating schools.
Drop us an email at ideas@preschoolmarket.com if you didn't receive your e-certificate or download the blank certificate for your children here.

Paper Weaving Basket

Weaving is an ethnically diverse form of craft. A very prominent example of a weaving product is a basket. Why especially baskets? The craft of weaving baskets plays a significant role as an icon for both culture and ethnicity. This embraces the value of diversity.
Next, weaving is a craft that is easily learnt. As a community in Singapore, we must seek to weave inclusivity in our society, regardless of the needy, the disabled or the elderly.
We can use a fruit basket as a comparison to the community. Every fruit needs to be included in the basket to transform it into a beautiful fruit basket. Likewise, it is only when everybody is included (the disabled, needy and elderly), then we are able to transform into a beautiful community. A basket is also used to hold and carry things. Hence, as teachers or parents, we want to carry every child through their growing years, embracing their diverse needs.

Send us your SSDB Stories!
In line with SSDB's theme this year, "Stay Connected, Make a difference", fulfilling and enriching curriculums were conducted. The little ones were able to do good for the communities despite the pandemic restrictions.
Tell us all about it and we will feature your story in our blog!