Through a field trip or picture of an interesting building, children will be asked to look for hidden shapes (in the form of windows and decorations of the building). Aside from this, children will also learn the value of sorting through this exercise.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Suitable For: 4-5 years old
Estimated Time: > 30 mins
Environment: Indoors/Outdoors

Coloured Pens
Optional: Picture of an Interesting Building
Step 1:
Invite the children to look at the building outdoors or a picture indoors. Ask the children to identify the building (can work with some children with prior knowledge).

Step 2:
Ask the children what shape do they see in one of the building features (such as windows, etc.). Afterwards, ask them to draw what they see on a piece of paper. Parents can also help the children to create the drawing.

Step 3:
Continue to ask the children to look for other shapes and numerical elements (such as numbers and colours) to complete the picture.
