What's inside the Red Box?
On 16 Sep 2016, St. James' Church Kindergarten (SJCK) launched its inaugural Red Box Day, an annual effort to showcase its children's community projects and encourage them to dream big for Singapore. This project is in conjunction with Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA)'s Start Small Dream Big project, where children work on various community projects.
Red Box Day is inspired by the red box used by Singapore's late Founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, as he used a red box as his briefcase while he was serving in the office and it was known to contain his aspirations and dreams for the nation.

Minister for Social and Family Development Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, was the Guest of Honour at the event, and he highlighted that the Red Box is of great significance to Singapore as it "represents our hopes and dreams", children must continue to pursue their dreams for Singapore and for the community.
Red Box Gallery
Children put together red boxes of ideas of their dreams for Singapore and how we can improve our living environment and even love for the environment.
Guests and children were invited to the galleries to view SJCK's journey leading to Red Box Day!
From ME to WE
"From Me to We" was introduced as part of SJCK's Nursery, K1 and K2 curriculum in order to instill a sense of community among children at SJCK. The programme helped the children to not only become more aware of others but also to appreciate the uniqueness of others.
Start Small Dream Big
In SJCK, every class had a community contribution component as part of their project work. Children raised funds for the President's Challenge and contributed to ECDA's Start Small Dream Big initiative in small ways.
The Future of Us
"Together we can dream of a bright and colourful future for Singapore - our city of possibilities. Our future is up to us to create. What would Singapore look like 50 years from now?"
Children had the opportunities to discuss with their teachers about how they felt Singapore would look like in 50 years time. Together, the children and teachers created artifacts to reflect their dreams for the future of Singapore .
Letters to Singapore
Children and visitors also get a chance to drop a letter into the mailboxes for Singapore!
"Whisper your dreams into the Dream pipe~~"
Let your Dreams Fly

Children and guests also have a chance to be captured in the Red Box!
Last but not least, together with Crayola, Preschool Market is delighted to support this initiative. About 20,000 of the red boxes will be given out on Children's Day to preschools taking part in ECDA's Start Small Dream Big project.