Over 25th to 28th July, more than 1500 participants, took part in the inaugural Preschool STEAM Learning Festival 2019 at The Marquee @ Science Centre Singapore. Organised by KidsSTOP™ and Preschool Market, young children, parents and educators had many opportunities to engage in insightful showcases, workshops and talks on creative learning approaches to fun and educational sensory play for the children. We are honoured to have Mayor Low Yen Ling launch the event, and were all inspired and encouraged by Science Centre’s Chief Executive A/Prof Lim Tit Meng’s speech!
Preschool Market presented hands-on integrated STEAM activities at the Preschool STEAM Experience booth:
1. Incorporating Technology and Mathematics – The Bee Bot Snake & Ladder game was a hit with all children as they navigated Beebot up the ladder and slid down the snakes. It is indeed a modern twist to a classic childhood game.

2. At the Sensory Zone, children had opportunities to experiment with dough and various loose parts to create art pieces as they engage their senses. We were all amazed by the creativity!

3. Little ones painted Freely at our Crayola Experience Zone using non-toxic, washable paints from Crayola. They experimented with colour mixing, thickness of paints and size of their canvas, adding on to objects that others have left behind. Look at the vibrant colours and giant mural created!

4. At the Sustainable Art zone, children made use of upcycled materials to create various balancing structures. Some used foam and sticks to challenge their friends to make the tallest structure whilst others made a ‘tree’ and tried to balance the letters of the alphabet on it. There’s much squealing and laughter at this zone.

5. In the spirit of upcoming National Day, there was also a workshop where children created a light-up box Merlion, learning about 2D to 3D objects and electricity.

Many other interesting booths and sessions from exhibitors and partners like,
1. Junior Pilot by Applied Learning Centre Pte Ltd
2. Immersive Experience in STEAM by Digital Dream.
3. Music Maker parent-child session by The Tinkering Studio
4. Building Confidence in Your Child through Performance Art by DSA Onstage Pte Ltd!
5. The Junior Robot Locomotion booth by STEM Inc
6. The Pangolin Experience by students of Republic Polytechnic
It is indeed an enriching and exciting festival for all gained a better understanding of the current pedagogies and STEAM education in early childhood industry and have meaningful takeaways from this Festival. See you at the next Festival!

Till the next time!
