Just like its moniker suggests, Carpe Diem MI Schoolhouse really seized the day and their Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) Project. Titled ‘Our Choice Matters’, the project zeroes in on the theme of zero plastic in the ocean.

The preschool initiated an activity in which the students would design their own tote bags. This helped instil in the children a preference for sustainable carriers. Parents would also be encouraged to purchase and utilise these tote bags in lieu of plastic bags for grocery shopping. All proceeds would go to Food For Thought as the Centre is in partnership with the organization.
Both the children and teachers delighted in the activity that engaged their imagination. Furthermore, they were thrilled about the opportunity to utilise their creations in a way that promoted sustainable practices.

The preschool has taken this opportunity to engage in extensive and in-depth research about what harms the oceanic ecosystem. Further citing that everyone has the responsibility to save the environment and understand that actions can have dire consequences.

Carpe Diem MI Schoolhouse has even conducted interviews with parents to have a better gauge of how much they understand marine life, and discuss further how to paint a more realistic picture of the current state of the ocean for their children. This motivates parents to read up on how even the most offhand actions can damage aquatic life.
K1 and K2 students were designated to create a banner (left). N1 and N2 children produced two dioramas depicting what a clean and dirty ocean would look like.
The SSDB project also benefited the preschool in an unexpected way. Since the whole team had to focus up and work together towards a common goal, it kept morale high during a time when the pandemic dampened moods.
The Lead Principal, Jane Wong, had a few words of wisdom about the pandemic to disseminate, “We need to do our part and be patient. We might struggle for a while, but we will adjust and make the best out of whatever we have.’