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My First Skool @ Parkway Parade: Cultivating Untamed Empathy for the Wilderness
The face of My First Skool @ Parkway Parade’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project, ‘Go Green, Make a Difference, Save the Earth’, are...

PCF Sparkletots @Nee Soon Central Blk 723: Championing the 3Rs in One’s Own Way
In light of all the natural disasters past and ongoing – the COVID-19 pandemic included – PCF Sparkletots @Neesoon Central Blk 723...

Cherie Hearts @ Mountbatten: Showing Appreciation to Frontline Workers
Due to the rise of news on medical staff being discriminated against, it spurred Cherie Hearts @ Mountbatten to make expressing gratitude...

Little Footprints Preschool @ BL2: A Tale of An Edible Love
Entitled ‘Creating a Mini Garden of Love’, Little Footprints Preschool’s Start Small Dream Big Project aims to teach children how to...

MOE Kindergarten @ Wellington: You Reap What You Sow
Entitled, ‘Our Kinder-Garden’, MOE Kindergarten @ Wellington’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project this year revolves around the theme...

PCF Sparkletots @ Tampines Central Blk 867A: A Collaboration For The Ages
There goes the saying by Author Suzy Kassem, ‘you’re never too old to learn something new, or too young too much.’ One would imagine that...

PCF Sparkletots @ Pioneer Blk 661B: A Lofty Vision for a Lofty Title
The theme for PCF Sparkletots @ Pioneer Blk 661B’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project might be caring for the environment, but their...

Little Footprints ITE College West: Spurring Empathy, Saving Community Cats
As a response to the animal abuse and abandonment cases in Singapore, Little Footprints ITE College West embarked on their Start Small...

Little Footprints Woodlands: United We Stand in Kindness
The theme of Little Footprints Woodlands’ Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project seemed written in the stars. “Stay Connected, Make a...

Mulberry Learning @ Alexandra: Kickstarting the Right Mindset to Last a Lifetime
For Mulberry Learning @ Alexandra’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project, they decided to focus on caring for the environment and Plant...

My Kiddie Klubhouse: Upcycling - The First Step Forward
As part of My Kiddie Klubhouse’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project, they decided to kickstart their iCare Café Charity Project. It was...

PCF Sparkletots @Kaki Bukit Blk 525: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint, One Step At A Time
PCF Sparkletots Kaki Bukit Blk 525 was inspired by the children’s discussions about how they can do their part to save the earth and...

Greenland Childcare Centre @Punggol Drive: Stay Connected, Make a Difference
As the name suggests, Greenland Childcare Centre @Punggol Drive’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project focused on the intergenerational...

Carpe Diem MI Schoolhouse: Empowered to Dive Deep and Save the Ocean
Just like its moniker suggests, Carpe Diem MI Schoolhouse really seized the day and their Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) Project. Titled...

Spring Brainy Kidz @ Potong Pasir: Reducing Food Wastage starts from young
In 2020, a whopping 665,000 tonnes of food waste was generated in Singapore. This alarming number might have been a motivating factor for...

Ace @ Work Childcare (Cashew Heights): Sending A Love that Echoes Through the Ages
Aptly entitled ‘Making a difference by Sending Love’, Ace @ Work Childcare (Cashew Heights)’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project...

Little Seeds Preschool (Calvary Baptist): Kindness Lights the Way Always
Although Little Seeds Preschool (Calvary Baptist) does not have a working title for their Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project, all...

My First Skool Bukit Batok West: Dynamic Duo, Double the Effort
Doing justice to their Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) Project – ‘Stay Connected, Make a Difference’ – My First Skool Bukit Batok West...

M.Y World @ Yishun Palm Breeze: Powering Sustainability with Mindfulness
The title of M.Y World @ Yishun Palm Breeze's Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) Project, ‘Big Earth, Little Me’, resounds the overall...

SSDB Launch Party at Twinklekidz @ Bendemeer
Twinklekidz @ Bendemeer held their SSDB Launch Party on 6 May 2021. Their SSDB Project, titled “Project S.T.A.R”, can be broken down into...
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